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Passion for tradition

Flavors and fragrances


In the heart of Ciociaria, in the territory of Veroli,
"La Sementa" offers its guests a cuisine with a genuine flavor with the best traditional dishes of these lands.
The cuisine of the Locanda is closely linked to the heritage of foods and preparations that the ancient Ciociaria villages offer.

Our simple recipes but rich in flavors belong to a "peasant" tradition that has been handed down from generation to generation. Our dishes tell not only culinary stories but above all life stories of the past ... and we tell you some ...


... together we explore

food and wine

in the Ciociaria lands. "

campo di grano locanda la sementa
autunno in Locanda La SementaJPG

For years we have been talking about the Ciociara cuisine, the commitment and passion of local producers in making artisanal products, real excellences of the territory.

In a familiar environment we offer, with a work of research and experimentation, quality raw materials and recipes of the varied Terre ciociare.

Recipes   linked to a family tradition that over time has become the identity of the territory . "


Locanda La Sementa

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